What do we do if a nuclear world war starts?
Any event occurs first at the subtle level, where there are information field structures. Then comes the physical realization of these events taking place on the subtle plane. When various events occur, we think that the arrow of time goes from the past to the future and the present shapes the future. But things work a little differently.
The Universe is an energy Being, and everything in the Universe is made up of opposites. The system is stable only when there is a set of opposites fighting each other, only then is there stability. When one of the contrasts goes away, you start to tend to the left or to the right and growth ends.
So the arrow of time goes from the future to the past, that is, the future shapes the present. There is a dialectical interplay of two opposites of the past and the future. The present affects the future, the future affects the present.
But there are different levels of influence.
There is ripe karma, when the events are already filled with energy and nothing can be changed. There is an initial karma. When a future problem approaches, at first we do not feel very comfortable in the soul. Fears, aggression, despair, depression, irritability may appear. There may also be some unpleasant events. All this indicates that there is some kind of mental problem.
So it all starts with inner discomfort. A man begins to identify with you and to get angry, you find his heart in turmoil. If we do not notice these and do not pay decent attention to these signs, then the problem gradually moves from the subtle Higher Levels to denser, i.e. 3D (three-dimensional world), where we travel in fate. Some setbacks in life begin. This is a sign that trouble is coming.
And then real problems begin, not only in health, but also in everything else:
At first the unpleasant events are far from us.
Later, unpleasant events happen to those around us.
And then comes the time when the problem is in man's life.
Any event exists at three points in time.
We only see one point, reality, but there are also displaced points from the past and the future.
The first wave comes as a hint.
Then comes a second wave, as a serious warning.
If you don't understand, then the third wave comes and the event itself happens.
In the case of World War III
When the third wave comes, it is no longer worth counting on some natural moments of salvation. But it's not about "physics", it's all about the state of mind and the soul. Therefore, how we accept death is very important. If we understand that this is a natural result of our reluctance to take care of our soul condition, to change, to evolve, to aspire to the Higher and if we understand all this, in sincere prayer, having renounced everything, we will pray to the Higher for the forgiveness of our Higher Self, then we can achieve much.
We will achieve purity of heart. After that, our Fate is decided by Heaven: to give this person the passage from the stage of death or not.
Your Essence can really be helped if you renounce everything and turn yourself to the Higher, focusing only on love, respect for the Almighty. In the "Vedas" it is written: "If man before death thinks of God, prays and strives only for God, in this way he can be freed from all sins."
A huge amount of our energy, our inner strength, is used to interact with the world. If we renounce the world (the priority is not worldly goods and needs, but our spiritual development) and open ourselves to the Almighty, then we have such a powerful reconstruction of everything - both in the body and in the subtle shell of the aura - that we can close very serious attachments, aggression, lust and dependence on our instincts. That is, we can do a lot to save our Higher Aspect, our heart.
Where will we be and where will fallen humanity that has destroyed itself is the second question. Somewhere, but it will be... There are no one-time processes in the Universe.
Therefore, one should not be afraid of death, but one needs those forces, that energy that goes to viability, to fears, to be redirected to love, to prayers, to the acceptance of the Will of the Most High, God our Father.
After all, man is not a mere body, but, first of all, he is a Divine grain. This is the first thing you need to take care of.
Since the Third World War on the subtle plane has already passed like a wave and has come to us, it is better not to delay the moment, not to wait for it to materialize on the physical plane, but to start taking care of your Divine Essence. This hour and this moment.
And that means...
How much we will do simple things:
fasting, preferably not one day, but three days
good behavior
limiting our animal needs.
- How often we stop dreaming and thinking about sex, money, food, pleasures.
- How much will we think: if we can forgive, if we can not regret the past and not worry about the future, if we can be benevolent in a situation where it seems that you should be angry?
--- If we think about all this, then it will be a very useful process and we will help not only ourselves, but also others.
It's exam time.
It's time to take care of your inner world. And that's why you need a little time to renounce your animal instincts, from life as such and put love and faith first.
When man remembers the Supreme before death, having clearly understood that he will live no more, then such prayer will be a little false, selfish. It's like praying for a better theater ticket... You have to be worthy to get it. Not by begging the Almighty for something to give you, but by your love, your clear ambition, your desire to change your character for the better. Then you will get good results.
Some say, "God's chosen man" or "God's chosen people." The chosen people or man of God, is one who has chosen God as the main goal and meaning of his life - it is likeness to the Almighty. The ability to love without conditions and demands. But we, on the contrary, believe that it was God who chose him for some of his merits and will protect him.
First, we must learn to protect the love in the heart, our Divine fusion, without scattering it into various sexual, material and other urges and needs. Not to subordinate love to money, power, profit, prosperity and low pleasures.
So, it is better not to delay this process, but start dealing with it from today. And then, if the Third World War happens, we will accept it without fear, without hatred and despair, and with this we will save our Higher Divine Essences.
Let's Hurry To Change! What do we do if a nuclear world war starts?