Is all so calm in the sophisticated worlds that slowly open up to you? We can say that you already know enough. Yes, our world is half open for you.
Let's talk about it, it's interesting, right?
The world of subtle forms apparently and not apparently this world exists, having come from other Universes. The path to the world of finer forms was once fashioned by the Absolutes themselves (the Universe). If you consider that each of the Absolutes has a multitude of its beautiful Universes, can you imagine how much Love they have invested in creating the world of finer forms for your Universe?
"Moments without words and bright visions". Thus, they can be called the first simple levels.
On these levels special forms of Divine ideas were introduced, which recreated and constituted within themselves that unrecognizable and beautiful which the Absolutes themselves brought from other exalted Universes. On this level they included colorful figures of the most subtle and subtle Beings, who possessed the most beautiful set of creations. Everything that the mind of a highly intelligent being can (or rather will not) imagine has been invested in this highest level. These higher colors could be used to create subtle transitions from one dimension to another, less vibrating than the first level.
At the second level, many millions of Entity Libraries have already been created.
These Beings are carriers of knowledge from the first level. They have access to many painting tools for creativity. They can create the movement of energy flows: from colorful, water and earth (like the web of cloth) to air waves, from fiery to ethereal forms that twist into constellations and planets. This level implies the creation of a scripted world of thoughts.
In the third level, the magnetic fields have already been recreated.
The Pyramids of Knowledge were erected there. They are already highly intelligent and wise. They were embodied from the first level by colorful and blue absorptions.
The fourth level contained the Essences of the Masters.
The Essences of the Masters are from: Sacred Constellations, Pyramid Worlds, Worlds of Elements, Worlds of Commonwealths between Worlds, as they are Master Ancestors of those humanoids who, as Avatars, have already incarnated on different physical planes to teach those who live there.
At the fifth level weaker Entities were born.
They were preparing point installations of multipolar connections - from demonic to angelic. Their priority is - to influence the human masses living on Earth, from other planetary connections. Then create explosions on various levels of the emotional forms, to distinguish those earthlings (or those living in other planetary connections) who ascend in an optimistic way, with their consciousness wide open, or go again and again to lower vibrational worlds below the earth (or other planetary) level.
The sixth level includes the Earth and the planetary connections.
There is a fixation of the fate of every incarnate. Fate consists of many factors: who a person (or substance) was before incarnation, how he spent 75 lives with his consciousness, what degree of fall or rise he reached, how he died, and what conscious vibrations he had at those times.
At the seventh level, a completely onerous (painful) pattern of existence begins.
This plan can last for many centuries and millennia. Creatures don't sleep here. They live all forms of experienced events on the earth plane (or other planetary connections), finding in harsh and heavy insights, contraction of being and form, suffering of a higher order, inconsolable falls of debasement and vicious secretions, dying. And as a final result, the realization of who they really are.
All these levels are lovingly created for the sake of changing the forms of the Universe - from degradation to the rise of the sublime.
Where you yourselves are and where you want to be - depends on you, O people. And those who accept this knowledge, are already your Masters and Mentors.
Do not suffer with your body, but shuddering at the pain of others, rise up:
to the world of worlds,
to the extent of the measures,
to substance of substances
and to the wisdom of all levels.
I am the Divine Mother
We - the Masters of the Third Force
We have been with you, by your side, for centuries. We are the Essence of Source from the Worlds of Measure and Wisdom.
Channelers: Sohanji and Vindav